
IO1 - Comparative Research, and creation of a Portfolio

In the portfolio you can find some basic information about crowdfunding platforms, crowdfunding educations in the partners’ countries and good examples of successful crowdfunding campaigns.

IO1 Portfolio Template IFIKE - EN - GR

Porfolio Stratecrowd ESPAÑA - EN - ES

StrateCROWD_SR_MVNGO_Portfolio - ENG - IT

IO2 - Board game

Play Squirrellville and learn how to gain backers and promote a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Squirrelville -Gamebook - Online version - EN - ES - IT - SV

Squirrelville - Print on both sides in A4 - Strate-Crowd EN - ES - IT - GR - SV

IO3 - Digital contents: Mobile Application; MOOCs; Web-Platform

In the MOOC you will find two paths, one for educators and facilitators and the other one for learners. Access the e-learning platform and use the materials to teach and learn how to create a social enterprise, using crowdfunding. The mobile application is a digital simplified version of the board game, it guides you in taking decisions when creating a crowdfunding campaign.

IO4 - Handbook containing training model

The Handbook contains information and tools to effectively teach crowdfunding. It guides educators and facilitators in creating a learning experience to youths interested in creating a social enterprise using crowdfunding.

KA2 Youth INN StrateCROWD - EN - GR - IT - ES - SV

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